Book Your 2025-2026 Trip

With Albanian Trip you will travel responsibly and your money will help sustainable development – we always support local families and businesses.

We know a lot of people in this country, in this region (and far beyond!) and we go out of our way to show you the best on offer, either with a small group of like-minded travelers or as a private tour. We cater to different types of travelers and what makes us different from others is that we don’t offer the typical tourist experience – we pride on unique, personalized service with friendly, intelligent guides and we want you to explore parts of the Balkans like a local would.

Our competitive offerings reflect the exceptional quality and uniqueness of our tours, ensuring a truly memorable experience for your clients. We excel at organizing multi-day group tours around Albania, the Balkans, and the Mediterranean, with a focus on quality day trips, long tours, and tailor-made experiences.


We have worked with endless individuals and small groups to come up with an itinerary that is specific to their needs not only just in Albania but in many other surrounding Balkan countries (we really do have contacts everywhere.)  No matter how you choose to travel and whatever your interests are, we can help come up with a suitable itinerary and will provide a guide/driver and accommodation. We have several itineraries for multi-day cultural tours already set to go – you can find them here!


We offer endless day trips that we can customize according to your needs.  All of them can be offered as a private tour on any day of your choosing, but some are offered as group tours on select days if you’d like to meet others (see the group calendar here.) If you are pressed for time and want us to pick you up at your hotel for a day trip right in Tirana or to surrounding areas, choose one of these!  Just a few examples: you can enjoy a trip to Berat (the city of a thousand windows); head to the museum in Kruja and amphitheater in Durres; explore Tirana like a local; or if you are curious about communist history, visit some bunkers and beaches.


Are you interested in bird-watching? Bunkers? Butterflies? Food, wine and Albanian lifestyle? Flora and fauna? Swimming? Off-roadingOur communist memorabilia collection? We offer unique sides of Albania that few other companies offer with our specialty tours.

If you are interested in these trips or anything else we haven’t mentioned in our menu, message us! We love coming up with new ideas for you.

Payment Options: We accept bank transfers, PayPal and we have a debit terminal/POS available at our  Office in order to accept Debit, VISA and Mastercard payments (please keep in mind that 5% of the total will be added for the latter option.)  We can also accept cash payments where applicable.

10 Comments on “Book Your 2025-2026 Trip”

  1. Hi Gjergji,

    We got home safely and the weather has been nice and sunny and not too cold!
    We really did enjoy the holiday with you and Andrea. We had been thinking of visiting Albania for some time but couldn’t find a tour that inspired us from the large UK operators, so when we met Elton in London and talked with him and his obvious enthusiasm for his country we knew we had to book with you. We weren’t disappointed! Thank you very much for sharing your country with us.

    To anyone thinking of joining one of Albanian Trip’s tours we can only say – do it! Albania has much to offer from stunning mountain scenery, to ruined castles and ancient history, to its more recent communist past. An adventurous trip but not uncomfortable – the hotels are, in the main, converted traditional houses, are all to a good standard and are family concerns. The restaurants chosen by Albanian Trip are excellent serving local dishes from local ingredients (and generous quantities – be warned!)
    We were fortunate to have Gjergji as our driver/guide. We felt totally safe whether in the chaotic traffic in Tirana or negotiating hairpin bends through a mountain pass. An excellent guide, patiently answering all questions about the sites we visited or Albanian life in general. He also seems to know everyone in Albania!
    If you want a genuine experience of Albania we are sure you won’t be disappointed with Albanian Trip.

  2. Lieber Gjergji!

    Linde und ich sind gut wieder in Wien angekommen. Der von Dir organisierte Abholdienst vom Hotel Sky hat geklappt und der Chauffeur hat uns gut am Flughafen abgeliefert.

    Linde und ich moechten uns bedanken fuer eine toll organisierte, interessante Reise, die uns das reale Albanien sehr nahe gebracht hat. Dein Land hat jetzt fuer uns ein Gesicht. Dass Du uns als Draufgabe noch Alban mit auf den Weg gegeben hast, machte unsere Reise außer interessant, inhaltsreich und abwechslungsreich auch noch lustig und voller Spaß. DANKE.

    Wir werden hier in Wien und Oesterreich Propaganda fuer Euch machen und allen, die es hoeren wollen und auch nicht, erzaehlen, wieviel Schoenes wir gesehen haben.

    Alles Gute und liebe Grueße aus Wien

    Ingrid und Linde

  3. Hello Elton,
    I’ve been home in England for five days after the super trip from Bulgaria to Albania, taking things easy because I was quite tired!

    One of our highlights has definitely been staying in the Villa with Star, especially having breakfast with you and talking to you about life in Albania. On behalf of all six of us, I want to thank you so much for that.

  4. Me and two friends were visiting Albania for the first time, and we decided we needed to see more than just Tirana, so we booked a one day trip to Berati and surrounding areas. We were met by Elton, who speaking perfect English, and took us to have a traditional breakfast including soup and pilafrice in the outskirts
    of Tirana.
    From there on we drove to the seaside, and admired the lovely Adriatic sea, and then on to the castle monitoring Berati. Elton was very skillful and told us both about the previous history of Albania, and also how life was
    growing these days. We had a perfect lunch down in the center of Berati with a lot of different traditional Albanian dishes which all tasted superb. After that we visited Cobo winery, and were given a tour before our
    return to Tirana. We were hoping to be taken the non-tourist route and Elton gave us the perfect ride back home to Tirana.

    As for anyone who is considering visiting Albania. Take one day out of the visit to Tirana and go on a day-trip with Albanian Trip. You’ll discover a whole new side to Albania, and for us it was the best day of our five day visit in Albania.

  5. Here is the best compliment two of us from Hong Kong can give to Albanian Trip and our superb guide Ardi: after eight days of seeing much of the country with him, the history, the mountains, the bunkers (!), the resort areas, wildlife, the food (!!), the trees, castles, UNESCO, and most of all talking with random people about their experiences now and under the old regime, we can both say we are almost persuaded to move to Albania and live there.

    It was all an enormous surprise, as we had no idea what to expect, and Ardi handled us with good grace and professionalism. Special thanks as well to Elton for showing us his impressive collection of memorabilia, and basically for being so prompt, friendly, and seeing that everything went as it should have done.

    We’re older, and this ranked without question as one of our top holidays ever. We never felt that we were trapped in a rigid plan, and with Ardi’s suggestions we saw far more than we could have hoped. Full recommendation to Albanian Trip!

  6. Hello Albanian Trip Team!

    As you know, yesterday we ended our “peaks of the Balkan”- tour.
    We all want to thank you for the splendid organization: really
    EVERYTHING was more than satisfying: the tour itself, the
    accommodation, the warm welcoming hosts, the food, the timings, the
    drivers, … and last but lot least guide Niko, who – despite of his
    young age – proved his natural leadership skills, his sense of
    responsibility, his punctuality, his patience and his sense of humor.
    Congratulations and many many thanks for your perfect coaching and

    You can count with our recommendation to friends and fellow travelers!!

    Thanks again,


    Lieve, Patti, Marijke, Veerle, Skender, Ann, Myriam, Nele, Kerlijne.

  7. The trip was much more than I was expecting.
    Olsi is a solid dude and seems very trustworthy — I’m sure he will be one of your key guys someday. Great kid, I really liked him a lot.
    Ervin of course is the consumate professional and a walking encyclopedia of all things Albania, the Balkans, the National Hero, the Romans, the Illyrians, the Byzantines, the Ottomans, the Communists, American movies, etc., etc. Really an excellent, super knowledgeable tour guide.
    I really liked all the people that I met and appreciated hearing their stories very much. I was somewhat surprised at how much your countrymen admire America and was not expecting to feel more patriotic by coming to Albania, but I am.
    Honestly, having been a former “cold warrior”, it was intriguing to visit some of the communist museums and monuments. Especially chatting with your mom who at one point could break down an AK in 30 seconds blindfolded. 30 years later, she made me a nice lunch!
    Yesterday was a great day, breakfast with Luca in Berat, wine tasting with the multigenerational winemakers, great dinner then a tour and drinks with Diana in Durres. How do you top that??
    Thank you so much for putting this together, it was truly the trip of a lifetime and I will never forget it.


  8. Dear Elton and Vilma,

    Now that we are home and settled in our daily routine again, I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much we enjoyed this tour. Ervin was a wonderful tour guide and driver. He showed us your amazing country – explaining the history, introducing us to delicious food, taking us on nature and cultural walks, and always mindful of our needs. He took very good care of us. I have many photos and notes of this trip so that I can remember it fondly in the years to come.

    Thank you.

    Peggy & Cameron

  9. Dear Vilma,
    Thanks for everything you arranged for us. We’re very lucky to have found your travel agency for our family of three generations travelling through Albania. From transfers over hotels till car rental: everything was very well taken care off. We only got good quality and met friendly staff. It was very easy to communicate with you. For those considering to travel to Albania: do so, it’s a stunningly beautiful country (and you HAVE to go to Teth and take the trail to Valbona!). We loved the variety in nature, ancient villages (Berat!) and friendly people.

  10. In October 2018 we had our second experience with Albanian Trip for a 14-day shooting of a travel documentary film presented by a famous French TV host.

    Albanian Trip had also collaborated to the research with our editorial team prior to the arrival of the shooting crew.

    The shooting went very well and the subjects and characters found by Elton were great in the film.

    We will not hesitate to work with Albanian Trip again for our next shooting in Albania !

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